Lucid University | Colab Campout

June 28 – July 1st



What We Do

The Lucid University creates powerful containers for immersive transformational education in village settings. We explore diverse subjects and topics that allow students to look deeper within themselves, to remember their innate gifts, and to learn how best to share them with a wider community. Our courses fall within six curriculum tracks: Bodyworks, Creativeworks, Innovationworks, Ecologyworks, Communityworks, and Spiritworks.

Lucid Dreaming

This 2-day immersion is designed to assist all dreamers at any skill level to upgrade their dreaming practice, learn the tools & techniques for bringing more conscious awareness into your dreams. The three days will be organized as the following: 
Day 1: Sleeping & Dreaming 101 
Day 2: Intermediate Lucid Dreaming

Participants are asked to bring a dream journal and pen, comfy bedding to facilitate sweet dreams, and at least one object to put onto a collective dream altar. 


During the Lucid University course week Miguel Elliott of Living Earth Structures will be guiding the process of building cob floors and benches using earthen cob. Covered in the workshop will be an overview of natural building, good foundations for a structure, how to identify good Earthen material to use for cob, sculpting, and plastering. This is a valuable skill to learn which can also be applied towards building livable Structures for ourselves.​

Last year at CoLab Campout Miguel led an excited group of people through a similar building course with the goal and accomplishment of completing a beautiful earthen cob oven. We will be sure to enjoy some hot delicious pizzas from it this year!